Monday, March 24, 2008

MGS4 Gets Pricey Limited Edition

Retail juggernaut and unintentional game announcement machine,, is now listing a Limited Edition version of the sure-to-be-mega-hit, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Unlike your typical limited edition, in which you'll maybe find a "Making of" documentary on a bonus DVD encased in a metal tin for an extra $10, the MGS4 limited edition gives you TWO "Making of" documentaries on a bonus Blu-ray disc encased in a metal tin for an extra $25. That Blu-ray will also feature four chapters of the Digital Graphic Novel and a Metal Gear Import Soundtrack.

Perhaps it's just me, but $85 seems an awfully high price for what doesn't amount to very significant extras. Even at $70 it'd be just an "OK" special edition.

Possibly making it slightly more worth it is the Gamestop-exclusive art book which pre-order customers will receive at the time of purchase. I say possibly because pre-order artbooks such as these can be anything from full-size hardcover books to little more than pamphlets. Hopefully in this case it'll be closer to the former.

[via Kotaku]

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